Products By Purpose

Purpose: (noun), the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

Special Design

Get what you want… custom designed and certified.


Poles for lighting sporting ovals & larger venues.

Major Sports

Poles for lighting stadiums for television and elite competition.

Area Lighting

Poles for lighting parks and various locations.

Mining & Industrial

Innovative and sustainable solutions for mines & various industrial areas.


Poles for lighting walkways and paths.


For when a project calls for something special.

Streetlighting & Traffic

Poles for lighting up roads & streets for traffic use.


Lightning arrestor poles provide protection against lightning strikes at substations and various other locations.

Security & Surveillance

Poles used for mounting all types of cameras for safety & monitoring of important locations.

Communications & Mains Power

Poles used for supporting communication equipment, and poles to support mains power.


Large flag poles form 18m – 30m and higher

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